Winter, flying black kite

California Roll

A black kite flying over the mountains

A black kite gliding through the mountains

A black kite that stops at a torii

A black kite looking around from atop a utility pole

This is a black kite at the moment of taking off.

Black Kite

Black Kite

Black Kite in Flight

Black Kite and Crow

Black kite flying

Black Kite

Black Kite

Black Kite

Black Kite

Blue sky and black kite

A black kite flying low over a pond

Black Kite

A black kite flying against a clear winter sky

A black kite flying over the sea

Black kite flying

A kite riding an updraft

Black Kite Flying in the Sky



Black Kite

These are kites fighting over food with their legs.

This is a buzzard flying just above the ground.

A pair of black kites perched on an elevated railway line

A pair of black kites on the overhead line

Black Kite grooming itself

A pair of black kites on the overhead line

Black Kite posing

Black kite aiming for prey

Black Kite flapping its wings

<Birds> Black kite

<Birds> Black kite

<Birds> Black kite

A black kite flying over the sea

Egg tofu with flying fish roe

Black Kite Takes Off

A black kite singing on a fallen tree

Potato salad served on Japanese tableware with flying fish roe

Black Kite

A black kite posing while hanging on a branch

A black kite posing while hanging on a branch

Close-up of Tobi's face

A black kite posing while hanging on a branch

Blue sky and black kite

Blue sky and black kite

Blue sky and black kite

Blue sky and black kite

Blue sky and black kite

This is a buzzard that has descended to the ground.

Black Kite Searching for Prey

A black kite gliding through the blue sky

Black Kite Standing on a Telephone Pole

Black kite posing on top of a utility pole

A black kite flying over the river

Black Kite Takes Off

A black kite flapping its wings in a tree

Black kite standing on the embankment

Black kite standing on the embankment

Black kite standing on the embankment

Black kite standing on the embankment

<Wild Bird> Black kite at Uozugasaki Park

<Wild Bird> Black kite at Uozugasaki Park

<Wild Bird> Black kite at Uozugasaki Park

A black kite flying leisurely against a clear winter sky

A black kite grooming itself while hanging on to an electric wire

A black kite clinging to an electric wire with its beak wide open

Black kite clinging to electric wire

A black kite gliding over the sea

A black kite spreading its wings on an antenna

A black kite flapping its wings at the tip of a branch

A black kite posing on the tip of a branch

A black kite clinging to the tip of a branch

Black Kite posing

A black kite posing on an antenna

Black kite holding dead branch

A black kite posing on an antenna

A black kite glides leisurely against the backdrop of autumn mountains

Black Kite

A black kite takes off from an elevated line

A black kite grooming itself on an elevated railway line

Three black kites desperately fighting over food.

This is a photo of a black kite flying low over the coast.

A black kite flying leisurely through the clear autumn sky

A black kite gliding through the clear autumn sky

A black kite perched on a utility pole

A black kite facing right with a blue sky background

A black kite flying in the sky

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite

Flying Kite
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