Mountains as far as the eye can see

Scenery from near the summit of Heikedaira

Scenery from near the summit of Heikedaira

Scenery from the summit of Heikedaira

The ridgeline leading to Mt. Mitsumoriyama as seen from the summit of Mt. Heikedaira

The bamboo grass landscape at the summit of Heikedaira

Blue sky, rising clouds and bamboo grass

Heikedaira summit sign and beautiful blue sky and white clouds

Bamboo grass and blue sky on the summit of Heikedaira mountain, clouds rising

Heikedaira summit sign

The view from the top of Heikedaira

Sunny and cloudy weather at the summit of Heikedaira

Rocks, bamboo grass and blue sky seen from the summit of Heikedaira

View and rocks at the summit of Heikedaira

The bamboo grass fields and the view of Heikedaira

Heikedaira summit sign and triangulation point


Mountain scenery seen from under power lines

View of Kochi's mountains and blue skies

Sign at Heikedaira Junction

Blue sky and mountain scenery seen from the top of a mountain

Blue skies and views from the Heikedaira junction


Signboard at the top of Heikedaira

The bamboo grass road leading to Heikedaira

View of Heikedaira and Kanmuriyama from the ridge

Blue sky and mountain scenery seen from the bamboo grass

Heikedaira under the blue sky

The road from Heikedaira to Mitsumoriyama

The bamboo grass field in the sky leading to Mt. Mitsumoriyama

Hiking trail to Heikedaira

The skyline leading to Heikedaira

The ridge road to Heikedaira
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