PDCA cycle business framework

Use framework

Take a look back at what happened this year

Business image to look back on issues

Time is money Time is money

Houseplants on a wooden table, 10,000 yen bills and wristwatches

Business scene analysis

Planning, action and execution

Laptop computer and PLAN

PDCA cycle

PDCA cycle - do

Character material PDCA

PDCA and business image

Laptop computer and ACTION

Image of a businessman having a meeting in front of a large monitor

Key Performance Indicator KPI

Hands of a businessman writing the PDCA cycle-white background

Time is money Time is money


pdca cycle

Laptop computer and PDCA

Image of business cycle

Wind power generation in Izu

Laptop computer and DO

Laptop computer and CHECK

Businessman pointing to the PDCA cycle

PDCA cycle

business scene business cycle

PDCA cycle

Tasks, issues


Hypothesis verification cycle

4 building blocks PDCA

Businessman pointing to the PDCA cycle

Business people who use the PDCA cycle


Image of intellectual curiosity

Backpackers going hiking on mountaineering

Continue to improve by repeating hypotheses and verification

Image of OODA loop

Action plan title image

Action Plan

PDCA cycle

Sticky note PDCA

Backpackers going hiking on mountaineering

English word action (ACTION) 12

PDCA and personal organizer

Improvement activities


10,000 yen bill and wristwatch on a wooden table

English word action (ACTION) right placement (turf)

Feedback and advice from superiors to subordinates

PDCA cycle

PDCA cycle

PDCA cycle

Quality management

Career woman life cycle

Businessman pointing to the PDCA cycle

Feedback and human resource development

PLAN (plan / plan) wooden alphabet block (logo / icon)

4 building blocks PDCA



KPI Key Performance Indicator

English word action (ACTION) Central arch arrangement (cork)

Houseplants on a wooden table, 10,000 yen bills and wristwatches

Business term PDCA

DO! (Panorama)

Image of the PDCA cycle

Cork cube with letters "PDCA"

English word action (ACTION) diagonally left (cork)

English word action (ACTION) Central placement (turf)

English word action (ACTION) Diagonal arrangement on the upper right (turf)

The time is money

English word action (ACTION) Left placement (turf)

OODA wooder loop

PDCA cycle

Organize issues and solve problems

PDCA cycle

PDCA cycle

Backpackers who go hiking on mountaineering are convinced

Time is money


Looking back

Plan, act and achieve your goals!

PDCA Cycle

English word action (ACTION) diagonally placed on the upper left (cork)

English word action (ACTION) Top right placement (cork)

Houseplants, coins and watches on a wooden table

ACTION (Action improvement) Focus on PDCA Action

Backpackers going hiking on mountaineering

PDCA cycle of business

Focus on PDCA Check

Send job advice from boss to subordinate

PDCA Cycle

PDCA cycle

PDCA business term word white letters

PDCA cycle

Wind power generation in Izu

PDCA cycle
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