

Aoki (flower)

Aoki (flower)


Aoki (bud)


Aoki sprouts wet in the rain

Unmanned station platform

Unmanned station platform

Aoki (bud)

Aoki leaves 02

Standing on the ground

Standing on the ground


Aoki fruit after the rain

Aoki fruit

Aoki fruit

Aoki fruit

Aoki fruit

Aoki's new leaf sprout / fresh green image

Aoki leaves variegated 03

Aoki leaves variegated 02

Aoki leaves variegated 01





Variegated laurel with flowers

Aoki leaves growing in clusters near the bench

Aoki buds

Close-up of Aoki leaves

Aoki buds

Aoki fruit that has begun to color

Fresh green Aoki

Aoki Snow ①

Fresh green Aoki

Speckled Aoki that can be seen through the sun ~ Horizontal position

Dazzling golden mottled Aoki

Evergreen Aoki red fruit②

Fresh green Aoki

Tree Aoki ③

Close-up of Aoki leaves

Dazzling golden mottled Aoki

Dazzling golden mottled Aoki

Dazzling golden mottled Aoki

Tree Aoki ⑤

Tree Aoki ②

Aoki fruit

Dazzling golden mottled Aoki

Evergreen Aoki red fruit ①

aoki fruit

Aoki's red fruit

Aoki sprouts and red berries

Aoki fruit glowing red

aoki fruit

A hoverfly trying to perch on an aoki flower

Aoki fruit glowing red

roadside plants

Dazzling golden mottled Aoki


evergreen aoki still green fruit

Aoki with mottled gold that shines like tortoiseshell

Variegated laurel and red fruit

Aoki flower

Tree Aoki ④

Close-up of Aoki leaves

Aoki fruit ripens red in the middle of winter



Laurel flower

Laurel flower

Greenery of the Walking Path Aoki 01

Greenery of the Walking Path Aoki 02

Aoki stellate leaves

Growing variegated laurel

Evergreen shrub Aoki female flower bud

Speckled Aoki



Signs of spring: new buds of Aoki tree sprouting

Aoki leaves close-up

Aoki's little flower

Mottled color leaf

Tunnel of trees

Tunnel of trees

An unmanned station in the middle of nature

Aoki bud

Plant, laurel

Laurel variegation

Variegated laurel flowers

Aoki's red fruit

Looking up at the railroad tracks from the top of Aoki Bridge

Aucuba leaves


Beautiful trees

These are beautiful trees.

Trees of Bijinbayashi

Trees of Bijinbayashi

Trees of Bijinbayashi
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